Tuesday, 16 November 2010



Animation, along with a good dose of humor and a compelling storyline, can give a brand, product and its agency infinite artistic and communicative powers to help bring to life visions and ideas that free the audience of mental and physical restraints. If shaped to a brand correctly and supported by an engaging message, it will stay in the hearts and minds of the consumer long after the advertisement or online experience has passed.

Contrary to the belief of many — animation isn’t just for kids’ shows and Saturday morning cereal ads. It can be used effectively in a very adult manner in a utility-based role to do the following:

• Demonstrate how a mechanical device works
• Show the anatomy of a product
• Communicate abstract ideas
• Visualize things that are too big or too small to photograph or film
• Apply emotions, story and drama to an inanimate object or product

Although animation can be initially expensive, it can also be easier to edit, enhance and reformat if need be. Many marketing directors prefer to use animation because it is more timeless than casting lead actors in commercials and thus can be built upon over a number of campaigns, and years, without needing to recast or pay heavy royalties to talent.


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